Protecting Your Loved Ones
And Your Future
Deborah S. Ball represents clients in elder law, long-term care planning, probate and estate planning, and probate and estate administration issues.
New York Elder Law Attorney
Know Your Rights And Options
Many people who need help with estate and long-term care planning do not speak with a lawyer. Either they are afraid of the cost, or they feel they will never understand the complicated Medicaid rules and legal issues surrounding wills and estates. What people need most in this situation is a voice, a knowledgeable advocate to help navigate these complicated and potentially dangerous waters.
At the Law Offices of Deborah S. Ball, you will find an experienced, knowledgeable advocate. Elder law attorney Deborah S. Ball and her staff represent clients in all manner of elder law, long-term care planning and probate and estate administration issues. At a consultation, Ms. Ball will take the time necessary to educate clients about long-term care and financial planning options. For clients who are unable to travel, home visits may be arranged.
Our Practice Areas
Medicaid Planning
Estate Planning,
Wills & Trusts
Advance Directives
Probate & Estate Administration
Special Needs
Asset Protection
Needs Trust
Long-Term Care Planning
Experienced Advocate
The firm’s experience in guardianship law comes from representing private clients as well as from a strong commitment to public service. In addition to working with private clientele, attorney Deborah S. Ball regularly receives court appointments from the surrogate’s court and guardianship judges.
Ms. Ball’s commitment to protecting the rights of the elderly and disabled is further demonstrated by her commitment to accepting pro-bono matters from the courts, as well as serving as a mentor through the guardianship clinic at New York Law School.
Why Hire US?
Deborah Ball has been recognized by Super Lawyers
Focused solely on elder law and estate issues
Over 25 years of legal experience
Ms. Ball serves on the executive board for the New York State Bar Association Elder Law And Special Needs section
Ms. Ball lectures on elder law and disability issues
Protecting Clients
One of the most important roles of a law firm is the protection of clients’ rights and options. Proper counseling with respect to long-term care issue, Medicaid planning and advocacy, advanced directives and guardianships, will ultimately protect clients from a loss of personal liberties and financial control. Similarly, with special needs planning the rights of a disabled person, as well as the need to ensure that medical and social benefits are provided for (whether privately or through government benefits) must be carefully evaluated. With respect to estate planning, there are important tax consequences and other concerns that need to be considered to prevent unnecessary expense and property loss.
Deborah S. Ball and her staff bring the experience and skill to help protect you from the potential pitfalls in estate planning and long-term care planning, so that you can obtain your financial goals.